Focalizer, therapist, metaphysicist, radio presenter and has been lecturer for more than 30 years. Works on the areas of motivation, metaphysics, life recycling, personal and spiritual development. He has assisted thousands of people in finding their life purpose and true happiness. He has founded and managed the Human Development Centre called Entrevidas where he gives lectures and courses daily. He has launched more than 17 CD’s that works with mental and emotional reprogramming, bioenergetics and creative visualization techniques. He also has launched an online course “Reclaiming Your Personal Power”.
As an innovator, he focus on the whole development of human beings teaching how to reach emotional balance and achievements in many areas of life such as: love, finances, professional, social life, emotional balance, spiritual and leisure, trying to balance all these areas for a happier life.
Diversifying the format of the presentation of his work, he puts together music and dance, making the so called motivational lectures in many important Theatres of Sao Paulo. This type of lectures entertain and make learning more dynamic.
He develops live performances in which he combines body movement, dance and psychology in partnership with professional dancers. It generates full healing and prosperity in a broader perspective!
He has moved from one-to-one consultancy to therapeutic courses, lectures and workshops, since he believes that group dynamic speed up the process of transformation and stimulates the independence of the students.
Here you are some topics he lectures about in the self-help, prosperity and human development areas:
- Prosperity And Life Recycling
- Self-Organization And Professional Success
- Emotional Healing
- Emotional Intelligence
- The Power Of The Words
- Health And Psychosomatization
- Love Relationships
- Parenting
- Awakening Of Creativity
- Leadership And Resilience
- Law Of Forgiving
- Law Of Attraction And Financial Prosperity
Beyond that, with a Universalist approach, he has his work acknowledged in these following areas:
- Development And Balance Of Medianimity And Paranormality
- Astral Projection And 7 Rays
- The Mastery Of Bioenergies
- The Truth About Jesus Christ Teachings
- Theosophy
- Reclaiming Of The Feminine Energy
- Affectionate Bonds, Karmas And Past Lives
- Occultism
- Metaphysics
- Ufology
- Orisha’s Mythology
- Spiritual Intelligence
- Chakras, Self-Healing And Prosperity
Katia Sacco
Ritta Escandell
Luciana Donati
Desenvolvemos eventos e cursos exclusivos para grupos e empresas dentro e fora de São Paulo.
Entre em contato: assessoria@entrevidas.com.br ou através do telefone (11) 3868-4624